PennyDrops: Financial Literacy for Indigenous Youth and Young Adults
A program of McGill University with I Love First Peoples, universities and friendship centres across Canada

2021-22 Impact Summary
1. We trained 25 graduate and undergraduate mentors in Quebec, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia. In universities across Canada, we seek Indigenous students to be trained as mentors; all non-Indigenous mentors must successfully complete our cultural awareness training to participate in our program.
2. We taught 52 unique Indigenous students through the Native Montreal friendship centre in Montreal, Quebec, and the Alberta Native Friendship Centre Association, which delivers services to friendship centres and remote communities across Alberta.
Reception from students and organizers was overwhelmingly positive, with most participants saying that this was a valuable opportunity for students to learn about how to make decisions for themselves within the bounds of the Canadian financial ecosystem. Quiz and survey results taken from before and after the lessons showed that students improved their skills and confidence in each lesson.
For the 2022-23 school season, now that in-person activities are possible, we will increase the number of students and mentors trained.